Tailwind Nutrition Endurance Fuel for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides

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from 9 Reviews
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Tailwind Nutrition's Endurance Fuel was created by endurance athletes in Durango, CO and has been embraced by adventure junkies everywhere who are chasing FKTs and PRs on their own or during officially sanctioned endurance events. The inspiration was simple: to cover fuel, hydration, and electrolyte needs in a single, mild-tasting drink that won't turn your stomach into a brick. It's also hydration pack and bottle friendly, so you can just rinse your bottle or bladder with no funky aftertaste or smell.

Not all stomachs can handle the sticky sweetness or hard-to-digest molecules found in most nutrition products. Sipping Tailwind provides steady, small doses of fuel that pass right through the stomach. The composition of Tailwind’s fuel matches what the gut is made to absorb, so Tailwind enters your system quickly, without taxing the digestive tract. Did we mention that Tailwind is made from all-natural ingredients and organic flavors, too? That's part of the reason it mixes crystal clear and tastes light and clean, so you can drink it all day on its own without relying on spreadsheets to keep track of your calories, electrolytes, and hydration.


[per scoop] 100
Recommended Use:
Servings Per Container:
30, 50

Full Reviews

Ive been using this drink as this as my go to sports drink for the last year. As a vegan, not all drinks are made available for my diet but this one is and does the trick. Its mainly used to help fuel my 6+ hour rides and have had no stomach issues. Each scoop is about 200 calories which is perfect to help when space can be an issue and you need some liquid calories. Ive sampled all the flavors and the caffeine ones. Not overly sweet and I actually look forward to drinking when I have them in the bottle. Check out their recovery drink as well, top notch nutrition.
James, backcountry.com
December 7, 2020
I used this during a 24 hour race. Towards the end, this was one of the few things that my stomach could handle. It seems like they advertise this as a single source for fueling. I would debate that but it is an excellent drink mix.
Shawn Craig, backcountry.com
November 5, 2018
I love Tailwind. It's my favorite drink mix by far, and I've tried a lot of them. I just used the Berry flavor for the Wasatch 100, and I didn't have any stomach issues. It's easy to drink even when it's super hot out, and the flavors never get old. I also like how there are caffeinated options, so if you are really bonking the caffeine helps!
Phoebe, backcountry.com
September 20, 2018
I have always been on a diet of Gu's and skratch and finally trying tailwind changed my world! Drinking caleries really is super efficient in endurance sports as chewing and swallowing are pretty tough after 30 miles on the trail. I really like the orange flavor and it sits well in my stomach before, during, and after runs as well.
Andrew Butterworth, backcountry.com
September 11, 2018
I am a Skratch Labs user, and I stumbled upon this endurance fuel mix, I thought I'd try it out and I'm so glad I did! I drank it during my last 15K race and I was able to sustain a 7:30 minute mile for the hole duration of the run with a little help from this drink! I bought the natural flavor because they didn't have any other flavors when I bought this, and I think it tastes great, just a light flavor to your water. I would recommend this to anyone that needs a little boost during their long endurance sports.
Lexy Ott, backcountry.com
April 12, 2018
Gels and chews can be a great quick fuel solution, but they can be difficult to get down quickly while riding. You are also supposed to consume them with quite a bit of water, or they will sit in your stomach and not be utilized. Combine the water and the fuel by switching to Tailwind. It mixes and tastes great. Berry is my favorite, with Orange coming in a close second. I've used it on 6+gravel or mountain bike rides and during some 24 hour races. Cannot recommend Tailwind enough!
Katie Harker, backcountry.com
August 25, 2017
I'm a endurance cyclist. I've tried everything from gels to real food, electrolyte mixes to salt pills. Tailwind has replaced all of it. I usually ride with one bottle of tailwind and one of water. Tailwind isn't too sweet. It dissolves really quickly in water (some powders sit on the water- tailwind starts dissolving into the water on contact so it doesn't much shaking). If I'm drinking enough tail wind I don't need to eat on a 200 mile ride. I feel the need to eat, but I don't experience the energy lows (pre-bonk). I also don't need to worry about taking sports legs or bringing other mixes. I bring other food just incase, but it's a safety net more than anything. I have tried other powders and this is the easiest on my stomach. There are several different flavors so I will start with Berry and switch to naked flavor (which still has a sweetness to it) later in the ride. I use the raspberry with caffeine when needed. Tailwind doesn't leave the coating of film inside my mouth that other mixes do.
deirdre.mann2416771, backcountry.com
July 17, 2017
My dad is an experienced endurance athlete who runs trail ultras, marathons, races XTerra, triathlons, and long distance bike. He was stoked to find out we carry Tailwind and immediately wanted 3. He has this to share: I am a huge fan of Tailwind. I am an endurance athlete. I have struggled with endurance related stomach problems for years. Last year I competed in "Leadman" in all 5 of the Leadville race events. I was terrified about potential stomach problems going into the first race. I studied every nutritional gimmick in the book before stumbling into a promotional booth show casing "another gimmick" called Tailwind. I listened to the pitch - it sounded really good. However, I wasn't enough for me, so I emailed their contact us link on their website. What I got was a really satisfying , several email back and and forth with their staff nutritionist. All my questions were answered and I decided to give it a try. Tailwind has SOLVED my stomach problems. I completed the Leadville races and was able to do so without ever having eaten a single solid - all liquid, all Tailwind. I am a big believer.
Katy Seeberger, backcountry.com
March 14, 2017
I haven't used Tailwind on any really long rides(+8hrs) but for the 3 to 7hr range it is great. Now I don't know if I was feeling good those days or the stuff really worked but I felt great. Mostly I mixed it in a water bottle and carried a pack with water but I have used it exclusively with no water on a couple of rides. The taste makes you want to drink more which can only help with hydration and keeping your energy levels up. The Naked takes a little getting used to but the Lemon/Lime tastes great to me. I can't wait to put it in my water belt for Nordic skiing.
Steve Cook, backcountry.com
October 3, 2016