Petzl Nomic Ice Tool for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides
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The intuitively designed Petzl Nomic Ice Tool helps you apply the dynamics of rock climbing to your ice or mixed project. An adjustable ergonomic handle accommodates multiple grips, and allows for easy switching of hands. Petzl made the Nomic with a modular head design and removable pick weights to help you achieve optimal axe balance and ice penetration. When necessary, you can equip this ice tool with a hammer. Weighing less than a pound, the Nomic offers a tried-and-true design and peak performance at times of vertical need.
Claimed Weight:
1lb 5oz
Manufacturer Warranty:
3 year
Recommended Use:
ice climbing
Full Reviews
I just switched to this axe and I am stoked at how well they work. The axe is well balanced and getting solid sticks effortlessly. I am running a small hammer on one tool and can’t feel the extra weight. I like having the hammer attachment to tap out my ice Screws and bang on rocks/ pitons etc. I am An average climber, but they make me feel safe and solid when I am at my limit.

Andrew L.,
December 29, 2018
December 29, 2018
The new 2018 Nomic (SKU: U021AA00) and new Ergonomic (SKU: U022AA00) are completely compatible with every single accessory that Petzl makes, both old and new parts, EXCEPT for the griprests. If you want a new griprest for your older Nomics (SKU U21 3) and Ergonomic (SKU: U22 2), make sure you get Item #PTZ0293. The four different picks, hammers, adze and weights will work between the old Nomic and Ergonomic and the new Nomic and Ergonomic, so accessorize, change, modify and dial with confidence! Just pay attention with the grip rests. Also, there were about 7 slight modifications to this new 2018 model. All small, slight and picky which all together is awesome and cumulatively better! You'll be the "one swing wonder" with these new ice wackers!

Case Turner,
November 21, 2018
November 21, 2018
Petzl Nomic product video

Brad Barlage - Ascension Sales,
November 2, 2018
November 2, 2018