DMM Apex Ice Tool for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides
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No matter what you're climbing, if an ice axe is on your gear list, then you'd better bring a damn good one. A lot of ski mountaineers take more traditional tools while ice and mixed climbers rely on the modern axe's curved design. Both options are generally more awkward to use outside their own specific sport, with an exception to DMM's Apex Ice Tool. Whether you're climbing ice in Ouray, making mixed magic in Maple, or ascending Utah's Pfeifferhorn, the Apex Ice Tool's precise balance and light weight assure a natural performance. Radically curved, the Apex certainly falls under the modern category, except less weight and the dual handrests certainly help you reach the summit no matter how you're climbing.
Claimed Weight:
1lb 8.2oz
Manufacturer Warranty:
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Full Reviews
Despite being one of the heaviest tools in the market, In my opinion this is the most well balanced tool made. You can really control the weight very efficiently. Picks are cheaper than other tools which is a plus and they are a lot more durable. My only complaint with these tools is that on less steep routs and strange bulges you need to watch how you swing because the handle is less protected than more aggressive tools and you can really beat up you knuckles. If you want a hardy durable tool that can be used in any condition, this is a very good tool.

Christopher W.,
April 10, 2020
April 10, 2020