GU Energy Stroopwafel for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides

Whether a light breakfast pre-run or mid-ride fuel, the Stroopwafel is a great way to switch up from the usual gels and chews for something that tastes less ready for space flight. The Stroopwafels provide plenty of complex and simple carbohydrates and are low in fiber and protein, making them easier to digest and great for low to moderate-intensity activities. 75-150mg of sodium, depending on flavor, replaces the main electrolyte lost when we sweat to keep our fluids balanced and bodies performing at their best. The syrup filling contains important amino acids, BCAAs, which GU states help to protect muscles from breakdown and prevent mental fatigue.
For athletes looking to avoid gluten, the Wildberry, Coconut, and Salted Chocolate flavors are made from a gluten-free flour blend, including rice, tapioca, and potato starch flours. All Stroopwafel flavors contain egg.
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May 1, 2019

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