Black Diamond Trim Tool for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides
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At first glance, the Trim Tool from Black Diamond might look like a letter opener, but a letter opener won't cut through thick nylon and tacky glue in order to trim your climbing skins to the perfect size. Simply attach your too-wide stock climbing skins to your skis and run this tool down the edge of your skin. As you do so, skin material will fall away and you'll be left with a skin perfectly contoured to the shape of your powder boards. Step away from the razor blades and scissorsthis tool replaces both.
Manufacturer Warranty:
1 year
Recommended Use:
trimming climbing skins
Full Reviews
Sure, this will do the job, but the G3 one is so much better that I can't give this thing more than one star. This one is probably superior for opening letters though.

Jerome D.,
December 4, 2015
December 4, 2015
Like others have said, this does the trick, but does also come with BD skins. I prefer the G3 tool, as it is easier to us, and sets the skin back from edge. This works, fine, however.

Noah Brautigam,
January 20, 2014
January 20, 2014
It definitely does the trick on cutting your skins- it also comes with the BD models, so no need to purchase it separately. Helps trim down the tiny bit from the edges for a more accurate- I just use scissors for the big hunks. But it does do the trick for the more pristine cut!

Kayla Weiser-Burton,
July 23, 2013
July 23, 2013
I bought this at the same time as a pair of BD ascension skins. The tool worked great on these, but what I didn't realize at the time was that an identical tool also comes with the skins themselves. At under $3, not a big deal, but save yourself the trouble if you are also buying skins. I also think a box knife would work just as well if you are trimming the skins on the ski (which is the only way you should do it IMO).

March 28, 2013
March 28, 2013
I tried using this to trim my first set of skins. It'll get the job done, but the G3 tool ( will make your life a lot easier (mostly because the G3 tool will automatically leave a 2 mm edge on your skins, and with the BD tool you need to measure this out). I found it well worth the $4 to buy the G3 tool and use it on my BD skins to save myself the hassle of using the letter opener.

Joel Scheingross,
December 31, 2012
December 31, 2012
This trim tool is to trim skins and works well enough for that. But, I did once also use it to open a letter from Publisher's Clearing House, too. Worked quite well in that department, as well. One star off because it didn't fare well when I tried opening a beer bottle with it.

Ernie Flory,
December 30, 2012
December 30, 2012