Sawyer Oars Square Top Artisan Series Oar for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides
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The Artisan installment of the Sawyer Square Top Oar takes the classic Square Top and adds feature prints from artists around the country that depict fish species. The carbon fiber X-Weave fiberglass shaft reinforcement provides a more forgiving flex that's easier on your joints, and it maintains the counterbalance you love about the Square Top line. The DyneLite blade features Dynel and Kevlar ProTip technology to protect the blade against impact.
Blade Length:
Blade Material:
DyneLite (carbon fiber) Dynel, KEVLAR® ProTip
Blade Width:
wide (standard) 7in
Overall Length:
9ft, 9ft 6in, 10ft
Recommended Use:
Shaft Material:
Douglas Fir, Carbon Fiber X-Weave, fiberglass
Full Reviews
I got a pair of these last year right before guide season, and while I have been using Sawyer oars for awhile now, I am just so happy with these oars. They're light, balanced , have a nice grip material and so powerful for hair pin corners or racing back to camp at the end of the day. Also- a tiny detail but the rubber stop doesn't move around and keeps your lengths in place, which has been a pain with other companies. Another tiny detail, but I love it-these match my boat now!

Kate Watson,
February 11, 2019
February 11, 2019
I've used these oars for the last seven years guiding anglers and running Class II-IV white water on the MF Salmon, Selway, and more. The light swing weight makes rowing all day easy, and they have a great "feel" on the water. The counter-balance "squaretop" positions the oars at the right position when you need them. My choice is the Shoal Cut blade for shallow rivers and white water, the shape provides for moving more water with each stroke. The design/artwork is beautiful and portrays a wild steelhead.

Derek Young,
February 11, 2019
February 11, 2019
These are the best oars on the market and they are also beautiful and durable. These oars have the wide blade.

Chelsea McGowan,
February 11, 2019
February 11, 2019