Sage Igniter Fly Rod - 4-Piece for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides
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The Sage Igniter Fly Rod takes your bulky rigs and carries them over long distances, even when you're casting into a headwind. This rod features an ultra-fast action that may be intimidating to newcomers to the sport, but for experienced anglers carries the power needed to cast sink-tips or any rig out to where you need it. Freshwater weights (4wt, 5wt, and 6wt) feature an uplocking reel seat that combines anodized aluminum with Cocobolo wood to create durability with a stunning look, while the saltwater weights have a fully aluminum seat to ensure they can withstand exposure. Saltwater rods feature a full-wells cork handle as well as an EVA fighting butt to provide plenty of leverage to fight big fish.
[4wt, 5wt, 6wt] half-wells, [6wt, 7wt, 8wt, 9wt, 10wt] full-wells, fighting butt
Recommended Use:
river fishing, saltwater fishing, stillwater fishing