RIO Powerflex Wire Bite Tippet 15Ft for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides
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For toothy targets, you need to upgrade to the RIO Powerflex Wire Bite Tippet 15ft to keep the fish from biting through the tippet and making off with your fly. Constructed with nylon-coated braided wire, this tippet is strong and supple so you can tie it directly to the fly and cast worry-free. While the tippet is designed to stand up to your toothy foe, it unfortunately provides no protection for your hands, so use caution when pulling in your prize.
[20lb] 0.016in, [30lb] 0.018in, [40lb] 0.024in
Overall Length:
Recommended Use:
fly fishing
20lb, 30lb, 40lb
Full Reviews
I have several spools for pike and saltwater fly fishing. This product is highly recommended for fly fishing where you need high abrasion resistance or fish biting off. This won't be sufficient for sharks but is more than enough for pike or king mackerel. This is superior to solid wire traces attached through a haywire twist because they are easier to attach and much more supple than straight wire traces which hinge the fly. I should add that the nylon coating strips away after a few fish so be ready to retie and replace as necessary so be sure to get a couple spools if you are on a long trip. I attach at least 6 inches to the tail end of a mono leader through a swivel and attaching the fly with an overhand knot pulled through. This is the best product on the market especially for pike but be ready to replace as necessary. .

Tom J,
January 21, 2018
January 21, 2018