RIO InTouch Single Handed Spey Fly Line for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides
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Rio's InTouch Single Handed Spey Fly Line is a versatile fishing tool that performs single-handed spey casts, effortless roll casts, and beautiful overhead casts. Great for fishing in tight quarters where a traditional overhead cast is not always possible, this fly line has a heavy rear taper that loads fly rods deeply, making those far-reaching spey casts possible. Additionally, this line's ability to produce long roll casts makes it great for fishing from the front of a drift boat, too. And when you're able to make an overhead cast to rising trout upstream, the InTouch's long, gradual front taper provides the ability to form a nice loop that will carry your fly to hungry trout, Dolly Varden, steelhead, or salmon.
5 ft
Fly Line Style:
Fly Line Type:
weight forward
Fly Line Weight:
[WF4F] 175 grain, [WF5F] 200 grain, [WF6F] 230 grain, [WF7F] 260 grain, [WF8F 300 grain
Front Belly:
3 ft
Front Taper:
18.5 ft
Overall Length:
90 ft
Rear Belly:
3.5 ft
Rear Taper:
3.5 ft
Recommended Use:
fly fishing
Running Line:
48 ft
Taper Design:
single-handed spey
Full Reviews
Super useful when you're fishing spots with a ton of brush behind you. Use it with my 5wt Sage as my go-to setup.

Craig Cunningham,
November 30, 2017
November 30, 2017