Ortlieb 24L Rack-Pack for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides

One of the most rugged duffels on the market, the Ortlieb Rack-Pack 24L laughs in the face of heavy spray while paddling on the river, howling winds on your motorcycle, and overly aggressive baggage handlers at the airport. This 24-liter version is the smallest Rack-Pack available, making it ideal for shorter weekend excursions and overnight trips.
Fully waterproof materials are highly resistant to abrasion, rips, and tears, meaning it'll withstand the rigors of everything from cross-country trips atop your vehicle's roof rack to rough ocean swells in your sea kayak. The roll-top design is fortified with a stiffener bar to ensure a rigid platform that won't allow outside moisture to seep inside. Additionally, you'll find reinforced grab handles for unloading it from vehicles, plus a padded shoulder sling for carrying it across airports and busy streets alike.