MSR CamRing Cord Tensioners for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides
Retail Price:
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Claimed Weight:
(each)[small] 0.04, [large] 0.26oz
[small] 1.5 - 3mm cord, [large] 3 - 5mm cord
Manufacturer Warranty:
limited 3 years
Recommended Use:
Full Reviews
they require you to clip them into something on your stakes for them to work, just use knots.

Russell Bangert,
July 9, 2018
July 9, 2018
I just received these a few days ago, and haven't even had a chance to use them yet. But the cheap plastic ones that manufacturers send with every tent, and all the others I've seen online, they make my head hurt. These don't make my head hurt. All the other brands, you mostly can not figure out how they work until you actually use them. I don't want that. I want something that I can hold in the palm of my hand or look at a picture online and say to myself: "Oh okay, I can do that." or "These will work."

March 23, 2018
March 23, 2018