Mammut Smart 2.0 Belay Device for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides
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Don't let a long day at the crag mess with the integrity of your belaying. With the Mammut Smart 2.0 Belay Device, you'll have the help of assisted braking on your side. This lightweight belay device is perfect for gym and sport climbing, especially on long days spend climbing and lowering at the crag. Built to handle ropes between 8.7 and 10.5 millimeters wide, the Smart works well with any HMS locking carabiner and lowers smoothly and securely even when you're a little beat up from the day.
Manufacturer Warranty:
2 years
Recommended Use:
Rope Diameter:
assisted braking
Full Reviews
Love this belay device. It's a simple, bomber piece of equipment and extremely reliable. This action works essentially the same as the black diamond ATC pilot device but I like it a bit more personally as the handle is longer, not taller, which fits more ergonomically in my hand. Lowers have been smooth and the assisted braking is always a boon for newcomers! Extremely easy feed for lead belaying as well. This is my second Mammut Smart after losing the original and I love it even more.

Troy N.,
July 9, 2020
July 9, 2020
I just gotten into climbing and this works great. it adds a lot of friction and helps when bringing people down . easy to use and figure out how to use.

Justin Tibbitts,
December 8, 2019
December 8, 2019
This guy adds so much friction into the belay device and it so straight forward that anyone new to climbing or canyoneering can use it easily and not have to worry about rope stretch or not being in the braking zone. For experienced climbers or canyoneering wouldn't recommend it, but I would for beginners

Max Wheeler,
October 2, 2019
October 2, 2019
I was given this product from Backcountry, but this review is my personal opinion. I think the model and design behind the Mammut Smart 2.0 belay device is pretty genius. Personally, I don't think it will ever replace my ATC Guide or Grigri, but I think it's a great option for climbers who do different stuff. I often find myself on multi-pitches and rappelling, so I use the ATC guide for that. In the gym or when climbing single-pitch outside I like to use my GriGri, but I think this belay device comes in close second there. I think the Mammut Smart 2.0 would be great for beginning lead belayers, because it's a lot easier to pick up than lead belaying with a GriGri--it's also more affordable. I think this belay device really shines in the gym (toprope or lead) and on single-pitch climbs outside. There are plenty of climbers out there who don't climb multi-pitch or who never need to rappel, and I think this would be a great and affordable option for them instead of an ATC.

Tobey Schmidt,
September 29, 2019
September 29, 2019
Like the other reviewers say, this device is amazing for sports climbing. Catches and locks up like a pro (I use a camp hms biner) it is super easy to to feed slack once you get the hang of it. The reason I'm giving 4/5 stars is because lowering it's pretty choppy. Lowering is fairly intuitive but it goes from locked to unlocked within a few degrees of motion, and that makes it difficult to lower smoothly.

rafi K.,
April 29, 2019
April 29, 2019
Fairly new to climbing and was looking for something to learn lead belaying and decided to try out the Smart 2.0, I'm very happy!! It feeds out rope so easily and lowers so smoothly and intuitively that everyone in our group was impressed and looking to buy one of these instead of their GriGri 2's! I'm using it with a Mammut Crag HMS locking carabiner and the assisted braking is amazing, no more tiring out that brake arm when your partner is resting on a route. If you're looking for a belay device to use in the gym, on single pitches, or routes you won't be rappelling from this thing is perfect!!

April 15, 2019
April 15, 2019
This is a fairly simply assisted breaking belay device if you're looking for something cheaper than the GriGri. It handles pretty smoothly. However, I really only prefer it inside the gym. Outside, I prefer to use my Edelrid Jul. Pair this with the Smarter accessory Mammut makes and you've got yourself a lot of peace of mind. I'd argue this device teaches better belay habits as well that translate to other belay devices better than those who learn on the GriGri. Overall, not a bad option if you're looking for an upgrade from your tube style belay device.

Katy Seeberger,
March 29, 2019
March 29, 2019
After using this twice, I sold my GriGri and have literally never thought twice about it. For background I climb mainly hard single sport-pitch climbs. I climb between 3 and 5 times per week and have had this device for ~10months. I used to have a Smart Alpine but the braking force was quite weak. Heavier climbers would make it so I still had to hold the rope or it would feed through slowly. Any belay device can top-rope, so I won't discuss that. But this is the best lead belay device I've ever used, hands down. It brakes very firmly - much more securely than the Smart Alpine. While holding a hanging climber I just put a coil of rope around my hand as a safety and I don't need to apply a single ounce of force to keep the rope locked. In contrast to the super strong braking force, the device is so easy to feed through. Once you get the hang of pulling up on the lever (took me ~2 days in the gym), the device feeds slack easier than anything I've ever used (somehow even easier than non-locking devices). It's also light and SIMPLE (read: not a Wild Country Revo...). Every person I climb with has since switched over to this device - one person switched from a MegaJul because he said this one provided stronger braking AND easier slack-feeding. Several others got rid of their GriGri's. People complain that you can't rappel with it - deal with it. Get another device for that. IMPORTANT: Definitely make sure you use this with a Mammut HMS Locking 'Biner. It optimizes braking force and the geometry just works best for the Smart 2.0.

Will B.,
February 7, 2019
February 7, 2019
This is a great belay device at was it was intended for. The “assisted brake” feature isn’t a guaranteed self-lock, but it IS very secure. No mechanical device is a replacement an attentive belayer using good form, but this supplements the belayer nicely. It’s not as versatile as an ATC but I like it better in the gym or on strictly single pitch days. Smoother than a gri gri; better lock than an ATC...nice device!

Charley Lynn,
December 21, 2018
December 21, 2018
This device operates much like any standard belay device like the BD ATC but has the assisted breaking feature . Making it a great belay device for a novice belayer. As a rock climbing guide I am often put on belay by clients which in some cases just learned how to belay the second before I go on lead. With the assisted breaking element giving me that warm and fuzzy before leaving the ground. The GriGri is a popular device that is often given to new belayers but if you are trying to move fast you can expect to be short roped which is why I prefer the Smart. It also makes for a great device when wearing gloves. However using the smart while on a multi-pitch climb isn't the best because it cant be used for top belay, but pares well with the GiGi or Evo.

kevin doty,
November 16, 2018
November 16, 2018
I like using a crag device that has a braking assist--I also like things that are simple and lightweight. Since it operates very similar to a standard belay device, there's never the confusion potential of holding it open when trying to brake-- I like this device so much that I started incorporating it into my Moab Women's Clinic. I did wonder how to use it if I wanted to rappel a fixed line: you can feed the rope in "backwards" of the normal direction (basically using it like a regular rappel device). It won't give you the brake assistance if you rappel this way, but it operates just like any other rap device. Another tip: when pulling out a lot of slack for a leader: hook your left thumb just under the lip of the handle and pull your thumb straight out from your waist area (the brake end will still be in your left hand) as you pull the slack out. This quickly becomes second nature, but my first instinct was to pull my thumb up rather than straight out, which is the most efficient direction. Great device, and it has become a staple for me!

steph davis,
May 5, 2018
May 5, 2018