Jackson Kayak Tupelo Kayak for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides

If you’re loving life on the river and you’re ready to make the jump to a more capable boat, look no further than the Tupelo Kayak. As one of the most versatile boats in Jackson Kayak’s recreational line, the Tupelo has no shortage of bells and whistles to ensure your kayak comfortably houses all of your gear and accessories. The integrated gear track on the deck secures a wide range of accessories from rod-holders to camera mounts, letting you fine tune your boat to suit your needs. On top of customizability, the Tupelo offers all of the features you’d expect from Jackson Kayaks, with an ergonomically shaped seat with mesh backing to ensure comfort even on multi-day waterway adventures. Hatch-accessed storage comfortably houses larger items, while integrated bow and stern rigging houses quick-access items like rain jackets and fishing gear.