GSI Outdoors Infinity Serving Bowl for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides
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Your backpacking buddies don't know how you do it, but nobody's complaining when you keep refilling the GSI Outdoors Infinity Serving Bowl with ice cream every time it empties. Everyone around the bowl will tell you when it's almost empty thanks to the bowl's clear and recyclable BPA-free design.
Claimed Weight:
2.6 oz
7.6 x 7.6 x 2.5 in
Manufacturer Warranty:
100% recyclable polypropylene
Recommended Use:
Full Reviews
Pack able and durable ! This bowl gets the job done! O have lots of GSI products in my camping bin because they deliver!

Julian Alvarez,
January 4, 2019
January 4, 2019
While I would agree that it's a bit small compared to your typical mixing or multi-meal "serving bowl", I personally picked it up as a car camping bowl for myself. As a single meal bowl, I like the bit of extra volume. It's also pretty lightweight and cleans up easily.

Eric Olofson,
July 6, 2017
July 6, 2017
I order the Infinity Serving Bowl thinking it would be great to take camping as a mixing bowl or serving bowl but that was not the case. This bowl is very small and it the size of a bowl you would eat cereal out of. I was very disappointed in this item and returned it. If you are looking for some cereal bowls then this bowl would work great!

Saxon Sisneros,
March 16, 2017
March 16, 2017