Cataract Oars SGX Oar (Counterbalance and Rope Wrap) for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides

Owning the top-of-the-line SGX Oar is simply not enough—leading a heavy rig through class IV rapids without capsizing takes skills, and you want to be comfortable and confident while you do it. That is why Cataract Oars is offering their stiffest and lightest oar to be outfitted with counterbalancing sleeves and a rope wrap so you are fully prepared and in the zone. Counterbalance sleeves are a great versatile option for adjusting the weight for multiple rowers and changing the position in varying conditions, all without buying a new set of oars. Sleeves also help to reduce fatigue when you are going on day five of a week-long trip. And because you have gone this far to invest in the SGX oar, you best believe you are outfitting your set up with a rope wrap. The rope-wrapping technique does more than just beef-up your oar and pay tribute to rafting history, the rope helps protect the shaft against wearing down, it offers more traction, and less noise against the oar lock so you can have the most enjoyable experience possible on the river.