Bending Branches Angler Rise Paddle - 2-Piece Snap-Button for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides

City life is the life for you, but every now and then it's nice to escape the hustle and bustle and flee for calmer waters—literally and figuratively. So the next time you need to hit the escape button with a day spent kayak fishing on a quiet lake, make sure you reach for the Bending Branches Straight Shaft Angler Rise Paddle. Constructed with a two-piece design, this sturdy kayak paddle is great for folks who kayak fish every now and then. The shaft has a two-piece design and breaks down with ease, so you're able to store it in small closets without it taking up much space. The shaft is made out of durable aluminum, while the polypropylene blade can be feathered at a 0- or 60-degree angle (left or right dependent). One of the blades features a convenient hook retrieval notch, so you're able to recover lost line from a less-than-ideal cast.
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July 25, 2017

May 3, 2017