Vega Nutrition Protein and Energy for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides

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Early morning workouts are the best. It’s a great way to get the day started and blood pumping. Unfortunately, it can make the rest of the day feel like a drag but that's where Vega's Protein and Energy comes in. Featuring medium-chain triglyceride oil, caffeine from organic fruit, and plant-based protein, this shake mix gives your body what it needs and keeps you going for the day ahead.

Each serving of Protein and Energy has 3 grams of C8 and C10 MCT oil extracted from coconut, 20 grams of protein from pea and golden chlorella, and 100mg of caffeine from Arabica coffee cherries. As with all Vega products, Protein and Energy powder doesn't contain artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners and there's no added sugar. It's available in the flavors Cold Brew Coffee, Matcha Latte, Vanilla Bean, and Classic Chocolate.


coconut, dairy, soy, egg, tree nuts
Claimed Weight:
Recommended Use:
nutrition, recovery
Servings Per Container: