MountainFLOW Anti-Stick Spray for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides
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MountainFlow makes eco-friendly applicants that help skis and snowboards perform as well as possible. Most of the applicants are environmentally-friendly waxes for speedy snowboarding and skiing, but the Anti-Stick Spray goes on top of your ride to shed snow right off the topsheet. This spray is made out of water-based and non-toxic liquids that won't hurt the mountains you love to ride down.
water-based, non-toxic
Recommended Use:
ski maintenance, snowboard maintenance
Full Reviews
I applied this product to 3 different different pairs of skis with varying topcoats at rom temperature...with the recommended 2 coats. The results were the same on each pair...basically worthless. The temperature was a moderate 20 degrees with partial sun so really nothing unusual for conditions. I skied all 3 pairs throughout a 30k+ vertical day so definitely gave the product a fair shot... I am returning the 2 bottles that I purchased and asking for paid return shipping.

Christian Halverson,
January 30, 2020
January 30, 2020
I saw the other reviews that said it kind of works, gave it a shot anyway. Worked rather well. I should have taken a picture of my skis on the lift next to my buddies... theirs were covered in snow and mine had barely any. Obviously this isn't a perfect solution, I applied two coats to warm skis as the directions say. I might have to apply another coat after a long weekend of skiing. Overall worth the price.

Damian M.,
February 13, 2019
February 13, 2019
My pow skis are already pretty heavy, so this spray helps keep sticky snow from making them even heavier. The only issue so far is that I've needed to reapply more frequently than hoped.

Barrett Cox,
January 31, 2019
January 31, 2019
This stuff works great! I bought it for a hut trip and it kept the snow off of my skis all day.

December 8, 2018
December 8, 2018
Not the performance I 100% expected, but I did notice a difference with light snow falling off easier. But the heavy snow still sticks pretty well.

Trevor Livingston,
November 25, 2018
November 25, 2018