Edelrid Eddy Belay Device for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides
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Edelrid's Eddy Belay Device is similar to standard auto-locking belay devices, but it's especially appealing to beginning belayers (and the climbers who depend on them). The Eddy uses a semi-automatic locking system, but it has an emergency brake system that eliminates, "panic pulling" of the brake lever; that is, if your belayer lets rope out too quickly when lowering, the braking mechanism will automatically engage to keep you off the deck. The Eddy is burly, too, with a steel body that'll stand up to tons of abuse and a large brake handle that's easy to use. The Eddy works with ropes between 9 and 11 millimeters in diameter, so it'll accommodate everything from workhorse gym ropes to skinny sending cords.
[body] steel, [brake handle] aluminum
Recommended Use:
sport climbing, gym climbing
Rope Diameter:
9 - 11 mm
Full Reviews
This device is fool proof compared to any assisted braking device out there. No moving cam like the gri gri and it feeds slack out for lead much better than the gri gri. Very slick and easy to use autolocking device. Antipanic feature in the handle is great. The pinch point on the rope is not as harsh as the gri gri, and the orientation for top belay works better than the gri gri. Overall: better than the gri gri.

CHRISTIAN F., backcountry.com
February 14, 2019
February 14, 2019
This is my go to device for reeving my longline slackline as well as my belay device for long sessions toproping or chilling at the gym. The way the device orientates itself when you reeve the tensioning system for a slackline makes it superior than a grigri or another device. Easily to unload the line as well. If you are looking to build yourself a slackline system longer than 20m, this is the go to device. Feel free to hit my up in the comments here for more information on building up a longline kit!

Alex Quitiquit, backcountry.com
May 31, 2018
May 31, 2018