Edelrid Caddy Light Rope Bag for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides
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It's always a question of whether you should bring a tarp to protect your climbing rope from dirty crags, but if you have the Edelrid Caddy Light Rope Bag the answer is always yes. It still features the same unique closure as the Caddy, but the bag in the center of the tarp makes for easy rope cleaning. Despite accommodating ropes as long as 80 meters, the Caddy Light maintains a light weight and compact size for minimalist packing. Four tie-in points make it difficult for your rope to knot up, and the padded shoulder strap adjusts for customized comfort.
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100% nylon ripstop
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Full Reviews
The round shape of the bag sits perfectly in the bottom of my backpack, unlike other rope bags that have a more cylinder shape that never seems to pack right. The large tarp area and quick pull-out and put-away time are great reasons to get this bag as well.

Greg Troutman, backcountry.com
August 30, 2020
August 30, 2020
...but the materials look and feel as thin as possible, making it SUPER lightweight and very compressible, but 'may' not be the most durable over the long haul. Don't get me wrong, this is a well made bag, it's just the designers were shooting for LIGHT, and they succeeded. If this lasts as long as my Caddy, then this thing is 5 stars without a doubt. The design itself is amazing. It's 30 seconds or less to pack a rope and be on the move. The Caddy Light ends up laying flat once it's open, unlike the Caddy, which forms a bucket because of its rigid materials. Great bag, and if I had a crystal ball and could tell that it was durable over the next long while, I'd have given it 5 stars. Would recommend to anyone looking to save space and weight and also wants the unique "bucket" design. And btw, it does not come with a padded strap like the description claims.

Matthew J., backcountry.com
November 23, 2017
November 23, 2017
This edelrid rope bag is my favorite. When looking for a rope bag I want something that will protect my rope. This bag does that while being very light weight. The attached tarp design makes flaking the rope before the climb very easy. It is a great buy for the price. The only Con I can think of is that the carry strap did not come with a pad on it so it was kind of a pain in the neck until I made an improvised strap out of an old towel.

marshking, backcountry.com
March 31, 2017
March 31, 2017