Black Diamond ATC-XP Belay Device for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides
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Every climber should learn how to belay with Black Diamond's ATC-XP Belay Device. It's of the utmost importance to learn the basic belay style before upgrading to auto-locking devices, and this device has high-friction grooves to assist with braking and catching. Black Diamond updated this device with machined windows for a lighter feel.
Manufacturer Warranty:
1 year
Recommended Use:
Rope Diameter:
7.7 - 11 mm
Full Reviews
Wow! climbing is so much easier with real gear.

June 10, 2019
June 10, 2019
I learned how to belay on this and have been using it every since. Although I have a couple gri gris I still always prefer my trusty ATC. It's easy and straightforward to use and I feel more in control when giving slack.

June 2, 2019
June 2, 2019
Love that this ATC has cleats. Easy and smooth; definitely would purchase again.

Jefferson Schleifer,
May 6, 2019
May 6, 2019
I feel like I'm parroting an earlier reviewer, but its true; there is a reason this piece is class. Its super handy, lightweight, well designed, and versatile. What's not to love? Nothing!

Emily D.,
May 6, 2019
May 6, 2019
This device is so light, but so durable. I love using this ATC to belay. It's simple, straight forward, but still keeps you on your toes. When you're belaying someone, it's easy to get relaxed and casual with it. I really only trust my climbing partners that I know have been climbing and belaying for a while with it, otherwise I'll put a grigri in the belayers hands.

Myles Gray,
March 29, 2019
March 29, 2019
It's got a really good grip in the teeth.

March 28, 2019
March 28, 2019
Best gift--you can never have too many ATCs. The teeth on this guy adds friction when using narrower diameter ropes, which makes holding tension and giving catches easier on the belayer.

March 13, 2019
March 13, 2019
I learned using this same one and was excited to finally get my own. As a beginner climber I really like how this belay device handles. I currently have only climbed in the gym, so that is where this gets is primary use right now. The design is simple and very easy to use.

Lisa McNett - Gearhead,
January 6, 2019
January 6, 2019
Great quality and does the job well. Definitely would recommend.

Wolfgang Vollmann,
December 19, 2018
December 19, 2018
Trusty and easy to use. Great for beginners and canyoneering, it's the only thing I like to use for rappels.

December 11, 2018
December 11, 2018
I just started climbing and wasn't really sure between all the different kind of varieties I should pick for ATCs. I really like this one, since I learned on something similar to this one. I really like the color and how simple it is. Great for beginners!

Erica Okada,
December 6, 2018
December 6, 2018
The Black Diamond ATC-XP is a great tube style device to learn to belay with. I believe it's important to learn good technique before moving onto some of the other belay devices available. It's very simple tp use and with no moving parts should last a long time. The extra grooves really help to hold the rope while your climbing partner is taking a brake and lowering someone is very easy.

Nate H.,
October 17, 2018
October 17, 2018
This is the only Belay Device that I've used and when I needed I new one, I went with what I know works and will hold up.

Mayla F.,
October 9, 2018
October 9, 2018
This belay/rappel device is a classic for a reason. It's simple, it works, and you really don't need anything else. It's tried and true and enables you to belay and rappel with confidence. From climbing to canyoneering, this deserves a place on your harness.

Aaron Bender,
July 31, 2018
July 31, 2018
this thing has been with me since I started climbing and is all time. belays well, rapps well. I always recommend BD products, and this one is one of the greatest and most durable.

Corbin Ekblad,
June 1, 2018
June 1, 2018
I've been using this ATC for over a year and if I could go back I would totally buy it again. Great ATC.

Morgan B,
April 14, 2018
April 14, 2018
Use this belay device quite frequently. I have nothing to compare it to as I have not used any other device. Seems to be of good quality and does the job great. Definitely would recommend.

Braeden L.,
February 4, 2018
February 4, 2018
Been doing roped climbing for about two years and only got into multi-pitch a month ago. If you foresee yourself getting into multipitch consider investing in the ATC Guide. All around great product that wont fail you.

Benjamin August,
February 2, 2018
February 2, 2018
Once you learn the ATC belay you can pretty much get the hang of any belay system. This is an awesome starting belay - super smooth feed with efficient braking ridges. It's my go-to in the climbing gym!

Blake Fogle,
November 20, 2017
November 20, 2017