Aire BladeRite Oar Stops

Picking a tight line through that notorious section of boulder-strewn, class-four whitewater means keeping your oar blades at just the right angle. The BladeRite Oar Stops...

5 Reviews

Aire Brass Oar Lock

For your next extended whitewater rafting adventure, bring along a spare set of AIRE Brass Oar Locks. The AIRE Brass Oar Lock provides a solid connection...

4 Reviews

Aire Tributary Thwarts

When you lace the Aire Tributary Thwarts into your Tributary raft, you're not just giving yourself a place to sit. Well, you are, but this place...

0 Review

Aire D Series 130 Raft

As the smallest option in Aire's D Series, the D 130 Raft is a nimble little thirteen footer ideal for a paddle team and suitable for...

1 Review

Aire D Series 14ft 3in Raft

Aire's D Series 143 Raft is a solid choice whether you have it rigged with a frame and gear to run the middle fork of the...

0 Review

Aire Cub Raft

Grab two of your trusty paddle partners and hop in the Cub Raft to do some white water exploring. This 10ft 7in raft thrives in narrow...

1 Review

Aire DD Series 16ft Raft

AIRE's DD Series 16ft Raft can be rigged as a massive gear-hauler during week-long river trips or set up as a large paddle raft. The boat's...

1 Review

Aire Wave Destroyer 14ft Cataraft

When you're aching to get back the feeling of invincibility you had when you were 20, jump into the Aire Wave Destroyer 14ft Raft and take...

1 Review

Aire Puma Raft

Despite the fact that the Aire Puma Raft and its felid namesake don't even remotely share the same species, the two share one major trait: they're...

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