Vega Nutrition Sport Recovery Accelerator for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides

out of 10
12 Positive, 2 Mixed & 0 Negative
from 14 Reviews
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Vega's Sport Recovery Accelerator is an all-natural, plant-based recovery drink mix that was specifically developed to address the main elements of post-workout recovery. These include  muscle glycogen replenishment, muscle tissue repair and protein synthesis, hormonal support, soft-tissue repair, immune system support, inflammation reduction, and hydration.

The formulation works to target these critical areas of your recovery by using of a blend of synergistic plant-based ingredients. Vega added glucosamine, maca, devil's claw, L-arginine, and American ginseng to the blend, which work to speed your recovery time and to replenish electrolytes lost throughout your workout. The formula also reduces inflammation, muscle and joint pain, as well as effectively supporting your immune system.

The Vega Sport Recovery Accelerator also includes a 4:1 ratio of carbohydrates to protein, which is a combination known to increase muscle glycogen re-synthesis — a crucial component of an effective post-workout recovery.

The Vega Sport Recovery Accelerator is available in Tropical and Apple Berry flavors. It comes in a single 19oz container. Please note that Vega recommends taking its Recovery Accelerator within 20 minutes of concluding your workout.



Claimed Weight:
[one scoop] 27 g
400 mg
Pouch Cook:
4 g
Recommended Use:
post-workout recovery
Saturated Fat:
0 g
Serving Size:
1 scoop (27g)
Servings Per Container:
100 mg
15 g
Total Carbohydrates:
17 g
Total Fat:
0 g

Full Reviews

got some mixed reviews on the taste of this product. I know alot of people like the way it tastes, but I don't. The product does work great
Tyson Purkey,
October 2, 2018
This mix is chock full of good stuff and is easy on the stomach. I think it actually tastes pretty good and seems to help in recovery times.
Eric White,
May 14, 2018
tastes good and helps aid in recovery times. I like the apple berry flavor
Zach Allen,
March 30, 2018
This is a nice post ride option to feed your body what is needs after workouts. I am not a big fan of the Apple Berry flavor with water, but didnt expect it to taste great anyway. If you are looking for a great tasting recovery option, you may want to opt for something like Skratch, which basically tastes like chocolate milk. The chocolate flavored Vega products are the way to go, stay away from the fruity options.
Michael Walker,
February 10, 2018
I have only tried the tropical flavor, but I think it tastes good. So far I have only used it after runs, and I feel like my recovery time has shortened. Could be placebo, but it seems to work, so I will continue to use it.
Brandon Madsen,
September 14, 2017
I have purchased other Vega products in the past and found them to be excellent. However, this one has a bizarre taste that I cannot identify, it is not apple berry or anything that I know. The aftertaste is much worse, nauseating. I hold my nose, literally. Too bad.
Marcel Philippe,
August 17, 2017
I recently decided to try this product. Among other Vega products. I really like this. It's easy on the stomach, tastes good and reduces recovery time. Previously, I've tried products with whey protein and they just don't agree with my stomach. The pea protein in Vega gives me no issues. Further, I've tried other Vega products and have been impressed. Their gels taste great and again are much easier on the digestive system than other products I've used.
Shawn Craig,
August 1, 2017
When you go hard you need to make up for it and treat your body to some good. I enjoy the taste of this Vega product and feel like it's helping my recovery time. I haven't used it super consistently but looking forward to put it to the test.
Mike Rosenberg,
July 24, 2016
I'm always skeptical about something that claims to help you recover faster. This actually works. After doing a little research on the ingredients, you realize they don't have to make "claims" like all other crappy supplements. You simply see the herbs it uses to decrease inflammation. You also note that ingesting a 4:1 carbs to protein ration increases quick recovery. There is ancient holistic science behind this that doesn't require the bottle to say, "In 3 clinical studies, our proprietary blend did blah.blah" Then you look up the study and they use 7 healthy athletes who were paid by the company! This product has REAL ingredients from the earth, not a lab. Drink immediately after working out or within 30 minutes after, and you will NOTICE the decrease in soreness. THE ONLY CON Blendability is a bit off. It works great in a smoothie, but alone with ice water takes A BIT of shaking
Karissa Lamb,
June 6, 2016
We love Vega at our house. As cardio junkies, we love being able to crush it every day and Vega makes it possible. The tropical flavor blended with a banana and almond milk is Orange Julius-esque and delicious.
Jesse DeKrey,
October 30, 2015
I'm a huge fan of Vega products. Vega Recovery help me to recover faster after and between workouts. Taste really good and it's so easy to drink after workouts. Buy this product, you will be happy and able to pursue your active life without having downtime.
Elizabeth M.,
May 14, 2015
Laura K S.,
January 23, 2014
To really test its recovery potential, I engaged in a discipline that?s both foreign and painful to me?trail running. Now, while my test is admittedly rudimentary, my typical recovery time for four to six miles of trail running is around three days. And while this more adequately shows my lack of enthusiasm for cross-training, after consuming Vega?s protein mix and Sport Recovery Accelerator within 30 minutes of every run, my recovery time seems to be cut by around half. Impressive.
Jeff Stewart,
November 14, 2013
I really really like this stuff for recovery after cycling. It tastes great, and makes me feel better practically instantly after hard efforts in both hot and cold weather. Helps to hydrate well, and has a good balance of stuff to help physiological with muscle recovery. Definitely worth a try!
Ty Nelson,
November 11, 2013