Scientific Anglers Sonar Stillwater Emerger Tip for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides
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Whether you're fishing midge patterns just below the surface or damsel fly patterns caught beneath the chop, the Scientific Anglers Sonar Stillwater Emerger Tip will put your fly just below right within the feeding zone of fish cruising just below the surface. This fly line has a floating running line and is capped off with a five-foot intermediate sink tip that's clear for added stealth in gin clear water. For added casting efficiency, Scientific Anglers gave the light its powerful MPX taper that's overweighted by a full line weight to cast heavy, wind-resistant flies and nymph rigs for effectively.
Back End Loop:
Fly Line Style:
Fly Line Type:
Fly Line Weight:
[WF6] 185gr, [WF7] 210gr, [WF8] 240gr
Front End Loop:
Overall Length:
Recommended Use:
stillwater fishing
Sink Rate:
intermediate (1.25 ips)