Scientific Anglers Freshwater Tippet - 100 Meter Guide Spool for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides

The Scientific Anglers Freshwater Tippet 100 Meter Guide Spool's redesign makes your life on the river a whole lot easier. This improved, 100-meter tippet spool features an independent, free-wheeling hub that allows the tippet spool to spin freely when joined together. In addition, the hub can be retracted to become flush with the spool body when used alone or with other tippet spools on the market. The Freshwater Tippet 100 consists of a clear nylon line that provides excellent knot strength, high abrasion resistance, and low memory.
And so you don't accidentally hitch that size 18 BWO to a thick piece of 3X line, Scientific Anglers gave each spool a color-coded tippet retainer band that has the size of the material printed on it, so you know what you're reaching for. A water-resistant label prevents cracking and peeling, and all spools are molded with UV inhibitors to help protect the tippet from UV rays. Scientific Anglers even gave each spool a built-in razor to cut the material right where you want it, so you don't risk dropping your nippers in the drink every time you switch out flies.
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April 11, 2019

November 22, 2017