Science in Sport GO Isotonic Gels for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides

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17 Positive, 2 Mixed & 1 Negative
from 20 Reviews
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We've all been there, 56 miles into a 64-mile slugfest, chasing breaks and shattering echelons in search of a prestigious end-of-season county line sprint for glory. And then that slight edge of fatigue starts to creep in as we weigh the chances of powering to the line without bonking versus dealing with the thick, sticky, stomach-turning taste of the little packet of goo tucked in our back pocket. We've paid the price for pushing through more than once, running out of gas at 200 meters to go and helplessly watching the group fly by without any watts to respond. That, however, all changes with Science in Sport's GO Isotonic Gels.

The key differentiator that sets these gels apart from the masses of others on the market is in the name. They're isotonic, which isn't just a fancy way of saying they're refreshing. It means they're designed with the same osmotic pressure already present in your body, so they deliver their 22 grams of carbohydrates quickly without requiring an extra-large helping of water in your already overtaxed stomach. How this plays out in the real world is a slightly larger volume per packet and a thinner consistency. The Isotonic Gels go down easier for a much-needed energy boost without any sticky residue or finicky bottle handling to distract you from the task at hand.

For the racers out there, the GO Isotonic Gels also offer some peace of mind from the whirling chatter of tainted supplements and suspicious substances. These gels are certified through the Informed Sport Evolved Certification program, undergoing vigorous testing through a third party, world-class anti-doping lab that analyzes pre-production raw ingredients and post-production product. This scrutiny also includes site audits to ensure that the gels contain quality ingredients and are free from prohibited substances—and that means everything if you're serious about riding clean.

The Science in Sport GO Isotonic Gels are available in a variety of flavors to suit your tastes, with a light flavor profile that won't overpower in the saddle. They're also vegan, gluten-free, lactose-free, wheat-free, and nut-free.


[60ml packet] 87
Recommended Use:
Servings Per Container:
6, 30

Full Reviews

I got some SIS products from Elia Viviani at the Amgen Tour, when he rode for Sky. I was skeptical, these are easier to get down. Especially on a hot day. And you don't end up sucking down half your water bottle to get it down. If you have to hit it in the last 20Km, try one.
M R.,
July 24, 2019
I like them all, apple, lime etc. JUST NOT CHOCOLATE
Chris G.,
May 23, 2019
It took sometime to get used to it but SIS is my favorite on bike nutrition now... that is being said, they are significantly bulkier than other options; so it is a trade-off.
erhan ayan,
February 3, 2019
The Science in Sport gels have become my go-to energy gels for long mountain bike rides. You genuinely can take them without water if needed (though a little bit of water is still nice). The flavors are fine. It’s very dependent on personal preference, but I like the Lemon Lime. The downside to the SIS gels is that they are higher volume / weight due to the higher water content. But I find that the trade off is worth it so that I can always continue eating even if I’m out of water.
Jacob Dudek,
January 9, 2019
I was really skeptical about these in the first place, but gave one a try when I got to sample some. Having never tried gels with water I was a little surprised by the initial weight and feel of the pouch. The taste of the berry one I tried was horrendous, almost like cough syrup. That wasn’t the worst of it as the energy crash after the caffeine wore off was pretty gnarly. Not the best ingredients and feel from these gels. I will be sticking with my tried and true gu for gels.
Andrew Butterworth,
October 5, 2018
Great for a quick boost of energy and the consistency and flavor are just right when you’re trying to suck it down real quick during a ride. My go-to gel for staying topped up during long days in the saddle.
Kate Cronin,
July 5, 2018
I've been using the Science in Sport Go Isotonic gels for about a year now and I've basically sworn off the old thicker gels that I had sucked down for years prior. I'm not sure about you, but the times when I most need a gel tend to coincide with running out far far from anywhere. It's at those moments that it's absolutely worth filling my pockets with the added volume from the SIS gels., I can slurp down an SIS Isotonic gel without water and without leaving thick gel residue in my mouth, And it tastes pretty good too. I like the lemon lime.
Will S.,
June 22, 2018
I like gels quite a bit, they can be easy to consume while on the go and pack a nice little energy punch. These are not as sweet as pretty much every gel I have used in the past, and they go down super easy since they are a lot less dense than other gel products. I really like them for those rides where you just do not want to consume anything sweet or heavy and you don't want to have to chug a bottle of water after you consume one.
December 4, 2017
Read the ingredients and do a little research. Unfortunately, just another cheaply produced energy product with great marketing hype. Water, Maltodextrin (from Maize) (33%), Gelling Agents (Gellan Gum, Xanthan Gum), Natural Flavoring, Acidity Regulators (Citric Acid, Sodium Citrate), Preservatives (Sodium Benzoate, Potassium Sorbate), Sweetener (Acesulfame K), Sodium Chloride, Antioxidant (Ascorbic Acid)
October 27, 2017
The isotonic nature of the SIS gel means that you are almost drinking the gel. No worries about feeling like you have to chew your way through something that, ostensibly, is supposed to give you easy energy. Draw back being you sort of have to consume it in one take. I like the gel with Caffeine and hit it about for the last quarter of big rides to give back both electrolytes and a little energy boost.
Charles C.,
October 27, 2017
This gel is great, I love that it's isotonic so I don't have to worry about increasing my water intake during exercise. I purchased the tropical flavor and it tastes great!
October 8, 2017
After hearing great reviews, I picked up some of these. As others have said, they taste good & go down easy. My favorite flavors are Tropical & Apple. While I like how easy they are to consume, I wish they had more nutrients for those long, hot summer days. Because of this, I'll be sticking with other denser gels.
Darick Nace,
July 31, 2017
Not really anything I can add that hasn't been said. A pleasant, if somewhat mild (in a great way) gel that goes down easily and is easy on the stomach, to boot. No more cloyingly sweet gels that are more like glue when they get in your mouth and then having to drain half a bottle just to chase it down. A larger package is a small price to pay for the convenience and benefits of an isotonic gel. Is there room for improvement? Sure...a key lime pie flavor in the summer and maybe pumpkin spice in the winter would be nice. #firstworldproblems
June 29, 2017
Going on a run or bike ride these things are amazing you can't go wrong with them they keep you going and they taste great!
Bryce Galloway,
May 30, 2017
SIS doesn't really do anything for you that others don't already do. But with that said, it works without making my stomach feel queasy or without a sticky gel stuck in your throat. Very easy to get down. Yes, the package is a little larger but not to a degree that will really make a difference. This product is a definite improvement over what is currently out there.
John H.,
March 15, 2017
I can't overstate the ease and benefits of the SiS Go Gels. One of the wonderful features of this gel is the ease of getting it out of the package. No more wasting time with wringing and manipulating a very viscous gel package. It's very fast to open and eat so you can get back in the game and not lose that draft. It's also decreased my indigestion during rides, and high high intensities. The taste is great (tropical and apple are my favorites). It does take up a bit more pocket space since the gels have so much more fluid than competitors, but honestly, it's oddly empowering to put them in the jersey pockets...almost like you aware you are taking something very valuable with you on the ride. I highly recommend giving these Go gels a try!
Max Polin,
March 15, 2017
I tested many gels and have found this one as the best in range. It tastes good and adds energy for another 30-60 mins. Especially it feels when you're truly exhausted this gel literally wakes you up. And it doesn't need any water. The only small downside this gel takes more space than an average gel.
Alexey Zlobin,
March 8, 2017
This stuff is the bomb! The first time you use it you will think the consistency to be somewhat curious. It is kind of like a watery gel. I much prefer this consistency as it goes down easily and you don't have to have a water bottle chaser to get the normal gel stickiness out of your mouth. It also isn't as sickeningly sweet as most other gels. I've tried all of the flavors and like them all.
Byron D.,
March 1, 2017
Honestly. I have tried almost every gel on the market and settled on a couple and was pretty happy overall but was recommend to try these. Well.....thats it, I'll only be stocking pockets with SIS gels going forward. Only downside at all is they are a bit bigger than a typical gel but the taste and lack of sticky goo everywhere more than makes up for it. Couldn't be more happy with these overall.
Brandon Anderson,
January 31, 2017
Started out with Hammer Nutrition and then tried these. Much easier to put down and not as sticky. Like all the flavors. Highly recommend!
Jeff M.,
January 29, 2017