Science in Sport GO Energy Bars for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides

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Science in Sport's GO Energy bars are nutritious, easily digestible, and high in carbohydrate snack made from natural fruits and wholesome ingredients that are a perfect snack to take with you on a ride. The 40-gram bar is compact and designed to fit in jersey pockets and packs. It's pretty common knowledge that depleting your carbohydrate stores during exercise causes fatigue or worse than that, bonking. By eating GO bars while riding, it can help improve performance and delay the onset of fatigue. Used by many world-class athletes, the high carbs, moderate protein, and low fat is the perfect formula for fueling on the fly.

Science in Sport's complete product range is developed using a world-class approach to banned substance testing, providing assurance for athletes that get tested in competition.

Availible in both 20 and 5-packs.


vegan, coeliac, gluten free
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