Perception Rudder Kit - Solo Kayak for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides

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Take your paddle session up a notch with the Solo Kayak Rudder Kit. This rudder will help you easily command your kayak and spend more time enjoying the water instead of fighting it.  Fighting to keep a heading in strong winds or currents can be exhausting but with this simple Perception Kayak add-on, you won’t be doing it alone. The rudder helps balance water weight against the kayak sides as you move, to keep you on a straight course in open water. While paddling in open water benefits from straight tracking, paddling in backwater spaces can require advanced maneuvering in tight areas. The sliding foot brace system lets you make quick, sharp movements all with just the use of your feet which gives you confident control. Pivoting the rudder with your feet creates instant directional drag to aid steering in any direction your adventures might take you.


[long] molded-in stern rudder post hole, [short] threaded stern inserts for attaching a rudder mounting block
Manufacturer Warranty:
3 year
Recommended Use:
flatwater paddling, river paddling

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