Lamson Remix Reel for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides
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This combination of a machined reel and a cast spool creates an affordable, yet high-performance reel that has the mechanical integrity and precise fit you need. The Remix features a large, U-shaped arbor for improved line control, a sealed conical drag with plenty of stopping power, and a narrow format that keeps everything organized.
Backing Capacity:
[3wt]WF4 100yd, [5wt] WF6 100yd, [7wt] WF8 200yd, [9wt] WF10 250yd
Claimed Weight:
[3wt] 4.29oz, [5wt] 4.54oz, [7wt] 5.49oz, [9wt] 7.07oz
[3wt] 3.34in, [5wt] 3.61in, [7wt] 3.85in, [9wt] 4.65in
Drag System:
sealed conical drag
Manufacturer Warranty:
6061 aluminum
Recommended Use:
freshwater fishing, saltwater fishing