Hardy Sirrus Glass Rod - 3-Piece for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides

Chances are it wasn't fishing San Juan worms under a bobber or bouncing scuds along the river bottom that got you hooked on fly fishing—for most of us, it's the feel of the cast, the science behind matching the hatch, and the excitement of watching a wild trout rise to your fly as you set the hook that converts us from casual anglers to life-long fly fishing addicts. The Hardy Sirrus Glass Rod was designed precisely for this style of fishing with a unique construction that combines the classic, deep-loading feel of fiberglass with the lightness and response of graphite. Hardy calls its fiberglass/graphite hybrid Sintrix resin impregnated S glass, but regardless of what you want to call it, suffice it to say that this rod loads deep in the butt section of the blank while maintaining the side-to-side stability of what you might expect to find on a more modern graphite rod. While the Sirrus is ideally paired with small trout streams and dry flies, it isn't afraid to cast a dry-dropper rig when trout are playing hard to get, and it will even swing a wet fly or two when you're itching to try that partridge and yellow that you tied the night before.
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February 7, 2020