Black Diamond Forearm Trainer for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides
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Though Black Diamond's Forearm Trainer looks like a dog chew toy, it works surprisingly well at giving you a good forearm pump when you can't go climbing. Stash the Forearm Trainer in your desk at work or at home. Keep your arm strength up by squeezing it with each hand until you have good Coke bottle forearms, and you can barely type on your keyboard.
Full Reviews
Get that pump wherever you are, in the car, at the prison they call college, sitting in a church pew, waiting at the BMV for hours, during a root canal, before a first date so you can convince her you're a climber.... Really though, this is just a well made piece of rubber that so far, hasn't gotten any squishier or less awesome. Not sure random squeezes will give you those "gains", but a great warmup tool or stress reliever.

Aidan S.,
September 15, 2019
September 15, 2019
kind of easy but a smart shape compared to the grip balls other companies make or the metal squeeze type.. good for warm ups or when i wanna do something easy without going to the rock gym.

July 16, 2019
July 16, 2019
best on the go forearm trainer on the market

David Woodford,
May 21, 2019
May 21, 2019
Fits perfectly out of the way for my desk at work. When I need to move around but can't I pick this thing up and pump my forearms out.

Keiton Jones,
April 20, 2019
April 20, 2019
Get your pump on and get the rage out while you sit in your tiny cage, I mean cubicle.

Reed Debus,
September 9, 2018
September 9, 2018
Perfect little tool to get in quick forearm workout or to relieve a bit of stress at the desk.

Max Pauer,
June 6, 2018
June 6, 2018
Really great to play with in the office and around town when you have to keep your hands busy. And really works the forearms a lot more than I thought it would. Only thing I'd recommend is that it's hard to keep it away from the dog.

Danner Peter,
May 30, 2018
May 30, 2018
This is a great thing to have around the office. I like being able to squeeze this doughnut training through the off season to get that next climb ready to crush.

Travis Flitton,
December 27, 2017
December 27, 2017
I have used this "doughnut" for several years and it works wonders for my grip strength. When I went searching for stronger or more difficult ones I found sets of three. There were several complaints about the harder ones breaking after a few months or weeks. The way to overcome this problem is to use this one but use it with a lot more reps. The price is right and you don't need a pile of these things anyway, so save your money.

November 17, 2017
November 17, 2017
You feel and see the difference right away. Perfect for exercising on the go

Jose Carranza Jr,
October 31, 2017
October 31, 2017
it really works the forearms

Juan Altuna,
July 27, 2017
July 27, 2017
My left arm had lost some grip following an injury, got this to put some work on it and it really helped. Now the only problem is keeping my kids from stealing it!

James Sanders,
April 5, 2017
April 5, 2017
I got one of these to keep me from fidgeting too much during a long day at the office. Love it! You definitely need to use it for a while to feel that arm pump. It would be awesome if they made one that was slightly stiffer.

Andrew Meehan,
January 28, 2017
January 28, 2017
No suprises with this product- you get what you pay for. It's simple, durable, and you can take it anywhere. I do wish it had more resistance, but for 5 dollars it's hard to complain.

Kevin R,
November 29, 2016
November 29, 2016
It's cheap and it will get you a good forearm pump. Perfect for the office. I've found that it helps to squeeze it on the hike in to a climb to have a little extra blood in the forearms before starting your climb.

Kurtis S.,
November 21, 2016
November 21, 2016
This guy lives in my car. I spend a lot of time on the road and therefore have plenty of time to work-out my forearms. I do recommend looking up forearm specific training programs for how to use a forearm/grip trainer as just aimlessly squeezing one of these isn't going to do what you hope for... except for maybe relieve stress. One thing to keep in mind, is always make sure to do oppositional workouts too.

Diana Jenson,
September 6, 2016
September 6, 2016
This thing is super simple, a small rubber donut that you squeeze. After using it for a few days it seems really durable, and I doubt it will lose its shape anytime soon (though it's cheap enough that if it does I'd buy another). I use it to keep up my hand strength for climbing, to remind me to use my rock rings when I'm home, and to motivate me to get up into the canyon. I bought 2, one for my house and one for my schoolbag (to daydream at the canyon out the window while my professor spews some nonsense about the weight load distribution of a metal oval ;). I could also see it being useful for loosening up hands after a long bike ride. Only reason I gave it 4 stars is because I'd like to see different resistance amounts, but this one is perfectly fine for all around use. I'm already coming up with new exercises like only using 2 fingers to squeeze it, using your thumb, quick and slow squeezes, holding the squeeze, etc. (I'm using it right now as I type, might be good for carpal tunnel? definitely gonna be useful after hours of video editing)

August 19, 2016
August 19, 2016
It's a great way to keep the pump alive while you're stuck inside.

Jeff Catalano,
July 1, 2016
July 1, 2016
I have one at work at my desk, and one at home. It's not a replacement for the gym, or time well spent on the rock. But it's a kind reminder of places I'd rather be, and it gets you warmed up.

April 16, 2016
April 16, 2016
This wonderful device lives at my desk and does a fine job of keeping my hands & wrists limber throughout a typically numbing day at the keyboard. Will be a great addition to my non-beer hand, post biking to help unwind & relax the hands.

Kyle Smyth,
March 3, 2016
March 3, 2016