Airflo Velocity Sinking Fly Line for Sale, Reviews, Deals and Guides
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After a long winter spent fishing midges on your favorite trout stream, it's nice to switch things up with a little stillwater action once peak runoff hits—just remember to bring a spool of Airflo's Velocity Sinking Fly Line so you're able to put your fly down to where the fish are actually feeding. Its weight-forward taper makes it easier to cast than those old-school sinking lines, and the full intermediate sinking design drops about an inch per second, giving fish plenty of time to eat your fly.
Fly Line Style:
Fly Line Type:
Fly Line Weight:
[WF6] 220gr, [WF8] 290gr
Front Taper:
[core] monofilament, [coating] polyfuse
Overall Length:
Rear Taper:
Recommended Use:
stillwater fishing
Running Line:
Sink Rate:
Full Reviews
This is a good line for shallow lake fishing for ice out where you need to get 5-10 feet under but getting deeper to catch lake trout (at any time other than ice out) requires a heavier line around 400 to 500 grains. The line casts well and is a full sinking line which is exactly what you want if you want to avoid the hinge-like effect of sink tip lines and the less than adequate depth you always get with sink tip lines. The only caution with a full sinking line is that if you are fishing around rocks, be sure you know exactly what the structure you are casting into looks like. The full sinking lines tend to tangle and hang up on rocks and underground structure more often given the entire line between the fly and you is sinking.

Tom J,
February 15, 2018
February 15, 2018